Sproughton House

High Street, Sproughton, Ipswich, IP8 3AP

0800 4647 681

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Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

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About us

Emotional First Aid helps us all to understand and address our own wellbeing. Providing the knowledge, awareness and skills that guide us as we navigate our lives.

Encouraging us to share our skills with others, thereby creating cultures that are based upon compassion, curiosity and creativity, what we call The Three C’s.

About EFA

We don’t believe that attending to the emotional needs of others is the same as attending to a physical injury, as in conventional First Aid. Or, that any one person can fulfil such a responsibility for their colleagues with only limited training. We therefore encourage everyone to be given the resources to understand and appreciate themselves, and to build cultures that are emotionally intelligent. Cultures that are emotionally aware, based on approaches that are trauma informed, which are person centred and based on human rights. Qualities that are recommended by the World Health Organisation and the United Nations.


Emotional First Aid has been created, designed and developed alongside experts by experience, and our training encourages and equips people to explore their emotional worlds.

Emotional First Aid begins with an acknowledgement that there are only three real certainties regarding our emotional and psychological worlds. That we all have feelings, we all have bodies and we all live lives. With each of these three aspects of a person being so complex alone, that when they interact, as they do every second of every day, it is impossible for there to be any universal truths. We are all therefore free to explore, free to make discoveries, make choices and free to make sense of our own unique Life Landscapes, using the Three C’s as our compass.

Our training gives people the opportunity to explore the strengths and skills that they already possess, to reflect on how the human mind and body is equipped to respond to life events and, how human connection is the cornerstone of health and happiness.

In taking our starting point as; bodies + feelings + lives = human, we liberate us all to explore all the many beliefs, possibilities and opportunities that exist to explain why we feel and what we can do to affect our feelings. With beliefs such as mental health being just one of them. One that, like many of the others, brings comfort and relief to some, but not all.

Smiling woman making a heart shape with her hands
A beautifully drawn landscape example of a humans map of emotions with titles like - Hills of hate title over hills image, Lost mountains title over mountains image, Windmill of patience title under a windmill image, Hills of hope title over hills image, Woods of discovery title over a path leading into the woods image, Recovery Road title on a road image, Castle of Sorrow title over a castle image, Loneliness city title over a city image, therapy gardens title in front of a garden opening image, Spirituality mountains title on mountains image, Guilt tree title over a tree image, Belonging beach title over a beach image, Springs of self reflection title over a spring image, Bridge of devotion title over a bridge image, Mellow meadow title over a meadow of flowers image, Loving lake title over a lake image, Painful path title over a path image, Town of uncertainty title over a town image, Forest of creativity title in front of a forest image and Familiar church title under an image of a church.

Moving Around Our Life Landscapes

In Emotional First Aid we have created a way of understanding our emotional worlds that is accessible to all and memorable. Building upon ancient traditions and wisdom from cultures around the world, we view life as a constant journey. Not necessarily from one point to another but with there being constant movement and change.

We explore what it is to be a human being, a homo sapien. With there being over 8 billion of us on the planet with a history that goes back around 300,000 years and, with us all sharing 99.9% of our DNA. Making us all more or less the same, however with our complexity and diversity making everyone of us, at the same time, unique.

Our training asks people to imagine looking at a map in the dark with a torch. That, when the torch is close, all that you can see is a single feature, a village, part of a city or a specific landmark. However, if you are able to lift the torch whole new features and possibilities come into view. In life, there are times when events and experiences push our torches down, restricting our view and perceptions. If however we are able to raise them, we increase our options and our ability to make choices. Something that we hope our training will offer people.

The light that we aim to spread is therefore directed towards, what we call peoples Life Landscape, their unique map. One that displays where they came from, where they are and where they may be going. One that features the landmarks on their journeys and the features that have helped or hindered them.

A significant aspect of all Life Landscapes is then climate. Like the climates that affect our planet, all Life Landscapes have climates. The events and occurrences over which we have no control. With climates sometimes being constant and predictable, but also for all of us the chance of them being violent, unforeseen and unforgiving at times. With this understanding of climates and Landscapes, Emotional First Aid enables people to recognise and appreciate the skills, strengths and survival strategies that they have developed as they have tried to navigate their emotional worlds.

Using the Three C’s of Compassion, Curiosity and Creativity as a compass, we help people to prepare for their journeys. Helping them to pack their Bag For Life with new skills, knowledge and insights, as well as taking the time to appreciate how amazing and skilful they already are.

As people embark upon all their many life journeys, Emotional First Aid can be a guide that helps them to keep their torches high and be a light for others when theirs becomes heavy or where they find themselves in adverse climates. As Maya Angelou has said; “we can be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud.”

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