Sproughton House

High Street, Sproughton, Ipswich, IP8 3AP

0800 4647 681

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Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

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Our Courses

We currently offer four courses that relate to the emotional wellbeing of people aged over 18.

We have designed each one to compliment the other, and to provide the opportunity to embed a culture of emotional awareness and intelligence throughout organisations and environments where people come together.

Five people in a circle looking down at the camera with their hands on top of each others smiling. Showcasing unity

Train the Trainer 5 Day Course (Adult)

This five day course in Emotional First Aid gives people the knowledge and skills to become trainers in this new and innovative approach.

Learners will experience the content for the Two Day EFA course and be guided in how they can develop their skills in order to train others within their organisation.

The course is interactive and enables a deeper understanding of the ethos, evidence base and requirements of Emotional First Aid.

Those that pass the course will be registered as an Emotional First Aid trainer for one year and, will have access to resources and support from Emotional First Aid. After one year each trainer will complete refresher training in order to renew their registration.

Train the Trainer 5 day course = £1950 per Learner *

*(this will include: One year membership license to Emotional First Aid as a trainer to train the two day and one day EFA training content in your organisation, online support, information, monitoring and evaluation, training materials, EFA trainer guide book, and free access to EFA online events and webinars. EFA trainers will be required to re-register annually. The re-registration license fee, which will include a one day refresher training, and all membership benefits is £450 per trainer for a further one year license).
For full details on our EFA Train the Trainer membership license, please see our terms and conditions.

Two Day Emotional First Aid Training

Recommended for all people who have supervisory, management and/or Leadership responsibilities for others, this course offers people the opportunity to discover an approach to the emotional wellbeing of people that is affirming and liberating.

Affirming, as it encourages people to appreciate the skills, knowledge and resources that all human beings possess and have built up through the course of their lives. Liberating, as it recognises everyone’s fundamental human right to make choices and establish beliefs that they think are the right ones for them.

This course provides a structure that helps people to understand and respond to the complexity that makes up every person.  It gives Learners the knowledge, skills and awareness that can help them to care for themselves. As it is the first act of compassion for others to show compassion towards yourself.

Two day Emotional First Aid training = £4500 + VAT for groups up to 15 Learners

Five people having a discussion. Three of them are seated and listening to the two that are standing up discussing the notes the young gentleman with glasses is showing the smiling young lady, She looks like she is having fun.
People seated in a room listening with notepads on their laps and pens in their hands taking notes

One Day Emotional First Aid Course

Recommended for all people working together or where people come together. The content in this course introduces the philosophy of Emotional First Aid and why it is important. It then goes on to help people to discover and appreciate the skills and resources that they already possess, as well as giving people new knowledge, skills and awareness that can help them to live their lives.

Creating cultures and environments where people are doing this for themselves means that they can be encouraged to “pay it forward”, so that those cultures and environments become supportive and are able to function with greater emotional intelligence.

The content of this course can be delivered as a whole day or, in two half days.

One day Emotional First Aid training = £2250 + VAT for groups up to 15 Learners

E-Learning Introduction to Emotional First Aid

This course which takes between one and two hours to complete, is designed to give people an overview of what it means to approach yourself and others with Emotional First Aid in mind.

It gives people an overview of the ideas and ethos of EFA, as well as introducing some skills and techniques that help people to understand and appreciate their emotional worlds.

For employers this course offers the opportunity to lay the ground for the philosophy through induction training that it wishes to take towards the emotional wellbeing of its staff.

E-Learning introduction to Emotional First Aid = £30 + VAT per Learner

Words on a cloud saying coming soon
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